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     UPCOMING      MAY 2025:        Alex will be directing THE MOORS by Jen Silverman at                                                                                                                       Wesleyan University's Center for the Arts, May 1-3rd. 

MARCH 2025:     Alex is directing a reading of WHY TAYLOR SWIFT IS GAY
                                                         by Lilly Camp as part of Theater [Untitled]'s Reading Series
                                                              on March 31st at Open Jar Studios. 

                          DECEMBER 2024:  Alex is joining a second cycle of the New Georges Jam
                                                              alongside a cohort of writers, directors, devisors, adaptors, designers,
                                                              and multi-hyphenate artists. More info here

                               Alex will be directing ALL EIGHT by Lilly Camp at the 
                                                               American Academy of Dramatic Arts, Dec 7-9th. 

                          OCTOBER 2024:   Alex is thrilled to be joining the 2024-2026 WP Lab at WP Theater,                                                                                                         alongside fourteen playwrights, directors, and producers.  

                                                               Alex will be heading to The O'Neill Theater Center to serve as a
                                                               guest mentor for
National Theater Institute students. 

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